
Major update to the website has been pushed out. The latest update is the culmination of many months of javascript and jquery study. I got rid of the iframes and multiple html files in favor of a single page jam packed with all my content in such a way that I feel is simple and elegant. I tried not to go overboard with many jquery effects, but I absolutely had to show off some of the things I picked up =D. I feel the media query still needs a little more tweaking in order to enhance readability for mobile users.

Style and Accessibility updates

Just made a few style and accessibility changes to the site:

Footer: font color changed for legibility sake to black, black as the night itself!

About Me page: Added alt text containing contents of word cloud image.

Links page: Changed link font color to #CCCCCC for higher legibility

Title: Changed titles to “JJErvin.com — ‘page name’ ”

Tab/Focus: Honest statement here, I had no idea that pressing the “Tab” key allows a user to cycle through the links of a page. So now, tabbing through the links have the same effect as hovering over the links.

Big props to Luis for all the accessibility suggestions!

Boring Minor Changes

Moved the iframe and nav sections higher up on the page. Contemplating rounding out the corners of the iframe. I think from here on out, I’ll create a sandbox version of the site for development/screwing around.

Hello world!

Hey Hey! I’ve decided to add a little blog to my little website in order to:

a) Finally learn the ins and outs of WordPress


b) Document the learning and building process for all of my projects coming down the pipe.

Currently, I’m trying to add a little polish to my existing site, I feel like it’s not quite there yet.

Soonish: I would like to start cranking out other pages (instructional pages, a beer blog, possibly a general nerdery blog) utilizing different CMS platforms.

Welp, that about covers it!